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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Citizen Charter

People's Republic of Bangladesh Government

Upazila Executive Officer's Office

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.


Citizen Charter

Citizen Certificate or Service Provision Promise

Cr. No.



Maximum time required

Required documents


Place of receipt

Cost /

Fees / Charges (with treasury invoice sector or code

Specify when, how to submit)

Officer-in-Charge (Designation of Officer, Code of Bangladesh, District &

Telephone / mobile number, e-mail address with upazila code should be mentioned)

Senior Officer

to whom the complaint / can be appealed (officer's title,

Telephone with Bangladesh Code, District and Upazila Code

Mention mobile number, e-mail address)










Provision of funeral expenses, medical and other grants for the late freedom fighters

03 (three) working days

1. Application

2. Late Freedom Fighter's Freedom Fighter's Certificate

3. Death certificate of the claimed place

4. Cost vouchers by location


On white paper



By scheduled application


Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.


Recommendations on Birth Registration Amendment Application

2 (two) hours

Scheduled Application Form for Birth Registration Amendment

Concerned Municipality /

Union Digital Center





Recommendations on books and other items allocated by the National Library to private libraries

2 (two) hours

Application form provided by National Book Center

National Book Center

Ministry of Culture

5 / C Bangabandhu Avenue, Dhaka-1000,






Government reservoir lease up to 20 acres

Lease is given for 3 (three) years by circulating notification from 1st Magh to 30th Chaitra every year.

You have to apply through the prescribed tender from the Upazila Nirbahi Office.

Upazila Executive Office

The prescribed tender price mentioned in the tender should be submitted in cash / invoice.







Hat-bazar leasing

Hats are leased for 1 year every year from 1st Baishakh to 30th Chaitra. Notice of Hat Bazar lease issued from March onwards

Lease tender for Hat Bazar has to be purchased from the Upazila Nirbahi Office, Assistant Commissioner (Land), Deputy Commissioner's Office.

Upazila Executive Office, Assistant Commissioner (Land), Deputy Commissioner's Office

1. Bids equal to or higher than the official price mentioned in the tender should be submitted. The lease price submitted in favor of the 1st time Hatbazar on the scheduled date which is considered satisfactory is finally approved in the meeting of the Upazila Parishad and the lease activities of those whose submitted price is satisfactory are in progress. 2. All the hat bazaars which cannot be leased by 1st Baishakh are collected through the Hat Land Union Assistant Officer.

3. The leased money of the leased hat bazaars is deposited in the government treasury as per the rules.










Providing agricultural khas land settlement

04 (four) months

1. Settlement documents obtained from Upazila Land Office

2. 1 copy of the application with joint photo of the applicant's spouse

3. 1 copy of Chairman / Mayor's Certificate in the sense of landless applicant

4. Attested photocopy of national identity card of the applicant's spouse 1 copy

5. Recommendation / Minutes of Upazila Krishi Khas Land Settlement Committee as Landless

. Sketch map

Upazila Land Office

Not applicable for office / Free

Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.



Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur.


Submitting proposal for non-agricultural khas land settlement

08 (six) months

Obtained from Upazila Land Office

1. Settlement documents created by the Assistant Commissioner (Land) (with the documents mentioned below)

2. Application on white paper with administrative approval of the Ministry

3. Sketch map

4. A trace map with a radius of less than 500 yards around the proposed land

5. The land of the proposed stains / spots should be marked with colored ink.

. Specify the current class of land, current use and amount of land in all the traces on the trace map.

. List of average prices received from the Sub-Registrar's Office

Upazila Land Office

Not applicable for office / Free




Renewal of vested property lease

03 (three) working days

1. Application on white paper

2. 1 photocopy of previously taken DCR




Upazila Land Office

1. Agriculture 5 rupees / percent

2. Non-agricultural 20 rupees / percent

3. Commercial 30 rupees / percent

4. Agriculture within the municipal area 10 rupees / percent

5. Non-agricultural 40 rupees / percent

. Pakabari 4 rupees / sq. Ft.

Upazila Executive Officer,

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.



Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur.


Distribution of checks for grants from the Prime Minister's Relief and Welfare Fund

08 (seven) working days

Attested photocopy of 01 copy of National Identity Card

(no application required)

Upazila Executive Officer's Office





Distribution of allocations received from the Ministry of Religion in favor of mosques / temples

08 (seven) working days

Attested photocopy of 01 copy of National Identity Card of the President / Secretary of the concerned Mosque / Temple Committee


(no application required)

Upazila Executive Officer's Office





Distribution of checks from the President's discretionary funds

08 (seven) working days

Attested photocopy of 0 1 copy of National Identity Card of the grantee enlisted person

(no application required)

Upazila Executive Officer's Office


- " -

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Copy of Mobile Court Case by Executive Magistrate

03 (three) working days


Application on white paper

Executive Magistrate Court

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.

Court fee of Rs. 20 / - for application and Rs. 4 / - per page for duplicate

- " -

- "-


Sending proposal to Chanidna VT of Hat-Bazar

03 (three) months


Miss case of Chandina VT received from Upazila Land Office

1. Attested photocopy of 01 copy of the applicant's national identity card

2. Photocopy 01 copy in Trade Lines

3. Approved peripheral design

4. Trace Map

Upazila Land Office

Not applicable for office / Free

- " -

- " -


Certification related to NGO activities

10 (ten) working days subject to investigation

Debt in the prescribed form prepared by the Bureau of NGO Affairs.

NGO Affairs Bureau

Prime Minister's Office

Maisa Bhavan (9th floor) 13, Shaheed Captain Mansur Ali Swarani, Ramna, Dhaka-1000



Upazila Executive Officer

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.



Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur.




Advance application for grant from the Ministry of Cultural Affairs

02 (two) hours

Grant Form prepared by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Building 6 (11) floor, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka-1000

Email: ap@mocagov.bd

web: www.moca.gov.bd






Miscellaneous Complaint Settlement

5-7 working days

Complaint Application Form

Submission can be made along with the Upazila Nirbahi Officer or to the concerned Assistant.

Necessary legal action is taken after receiving the investigation report at the end of the investigation into the complaint lodged.




Rules for viewing office files or accessing information


In order to facilitate the work of the people in various matters, the permission of the authority is required to know the information of the files or documents kept in the office. However, no fee has to be paid for this.






Regarding meeting with Upazila Nirbahi Officer


1. MLSS in charge during office hours can be met with prior permission

2. When the meeting of 1 person is over, the opportunity to meet the other person is given.

3. The Upazila Nirbahi Officer can be contacted on the following telephones. Phone No. 8327-56103, Mobile:

4. In addition, the front desk can be contacted to get the necessary services.






Appointment of Presiding Officer for formation of Managing Committee of Educational Institutions

02 (two) working days

1. Application of the head teacher / teacher on the school pad.

2 Attestation of previous committee formation and term papers.








Nomination of Guardian Member of Ad Hoc Committee of Educational Institutions

02 (two) working days

1. Application of the head teacher / teacher on the school pad.

2 submitted a list of the names of the 3 proposed parents.






Giving feedback on setting up JSC / SSC examination centers







Allowing educational institutions to go for picnics

02 (two) working days

1. Application on the pad of the educational institution.

2 students also have parental consent.

3. Photocopies of all paperwork, including vehicle fitness.






A home is a farm project loan approval

01 (one) working day

1. Applicant's photo-1 copy

2. Photocopy of National Identity Card / Birth Registration Certificate - 1 copy

3. Minutes of the Management Committee of the Association

Office of the concerned association





Allowing Waz Mahfil

1 (one) working day

Application on white paper






Signing of check for payment of old age allowance, widow and divorced poor woman allowance, disability allowance and disability education scholarship

1 (one) working day

Documents obtained from Upazila Social Service Office






Right to Information Act

20 (twenty) working days

Apply in the prescribed form or by e-mail.






Upazila Nirbahi Officer

Nagarkanda, Faridpur.

Email: unonagarkanda@mopa.gov.bd